Wayside House Opens Boutique

New Butterfly Boutique features high-end, pre-owned clothing, handbags and jewelry. LOCATION:500-S NE 5th AvenueDelray Beach, FL 33483 HOURS:Tuesdays through Fridays10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All proceeds support the work of Wayside House which has been changing the lives of thousands of women with addictions for over 50 years.

Success Stories

Every woman in recovery has a unique story. What all have in common is the determination they have to gain and maintain sobriety. Their stories are inspirational to all who have and are facing similar demons. Wayside House is proud to have been part of their recovery.

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Wayside House CEO wrote this for The Well of Palm Beach County

10 Positive Mantras To Get You Started In Sobriety

Trying new things can be so intimidating. We are comfortable in our way of life. As addicts, we need completely new results. You cannot get different results by doing the same thing over and over again. We must seek help in learning new ways to cope with our demons. Becoming a sober member of society takes a series of moment-to-moment choices that are scary, but worth it in the end.

Heroin: The Leading Cause of Death in Americans Under the Age of 50

If you haven’t heard, the United States is currently amidst its worst health care crisis in history. National reports show more people die of heroin overdoses than of gun deaths, including homicide and suicide. Opiate overdoses are responsible for more deaths in 2015 than HIV/AIDS did in the height of the epidemic in 1995. Heroin is thought to be possibly the worst drug out there because of the damage it does to users and the excruciating detox process that comes with it. Heroin overdose is now the leading cause of death in Americans under the age of 50.

Harm Reduction Programs Added to the War on the Drugs

It is painfully obvious among both the sober and non-sober communities that a huge stigma currently faces drug addiction, addicts, and alcoholics. The general public has a widely skewed perception on drug use and addicts, and thanks to the “Just Say No” and the “War on Drugs” campaigns, this perception continues to create a divide among communities. As an effort to bring human rights back to the forefront, several organizations are coming together to try to shed light on the reality of addiction and alcoholism in the hopes of creating an open and forward-thinking dialogue.

10 Signs You Are A Woman With A Drug Or Alcohol Problem

Although only alcohol is legal, both drinking and recreational drug use are considered socially acceptable. Depending on your background, age, and social circle, they may even be an expectation. In moderation, alcohol consumption is safe and okay. Many people, especially young adults, find the same to be true for mild recreational drug use. Others begin with the intention of having fun and end up mentally or even physically dependent.