Drug & Alcohol
Rehabilitation for Women
Since 1974

Wayside House, Inc. was founded in 1974 by Dr. Susan B. Anthony, great niece of the women’s rights advocate of the same name, and Phyllis Michelfelder. As women in recovery, these two pioneers recognized the need for a safe and supportive haven for women who were grappling with alcohol and drug addiction. The two women rallied support from other dedicated women, many themselves in recovery, and raised $1,000 to purchase a white frame cottage in Delray Beach. It became Wayside House and admitted its first residential client in 1975. Today, while the original cottage remains the core of the facility, Wayside has expanded in scope and size and includes a variety of unparalleled services and programming for women 18 and older seeking recovery from problematic substance use.
Call us, come for a tour and recommend us to your friends and families who have loved ones in need of our services. 561-278-0055
What We've Accomplished
direct services
Latest News

Wayside House Opens Boutique
New Butterfly Boutique features high-end, pre-owned clothing, handbags and jewelry. LOCATION:500-S NE 5th AvenueDelray Beach, FL 33483 HOURS:Tuesdays through Fridays10

Success Stories
Every woman in recovery has a unique story. What all have in common is the determination they have to gain and maintain sobriety. Their stories are inspirational to all who have and are facing similar demons. Wayside House is proud to have been part of their recovery.


Stay Connected With Our Alumnae Program
At Wayside House, we love to stay connected with our program graduates, which is why we offer those who have completed our residential and intensive outpatient programs the opportunity to become a member of our women’s alumni program.
Being a part of a women’s drug and alcohol alumni program allows women who have left treatment to remain in touch with other Wayside House graduates via monthly meetings, outings and other activities.